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Waikato Diocesan School for Girls

Waikato Diocesan School for Girls has a long and proud history in the region and was officially opened in 1928 with a roll of 13 boarders and 70 day girls. Dio (as it's affectionally known) has grown to be a school of around 650 students that perform academically with the best schools in the country.

KT Design has been producing Dionamic since 2013 and over that time it has evolved from a relatively simple 48 page publication to more than 60 pages and has become a publication that's often kept as a reminder to the girls of the happy times and experiences.

Client feedback

"The graphic design service provided by KT Design is 100% reliable, fresh and creative, and always meets our needs.”

Debbie Stevens
Marketing and Communications Manager, Waikato Diocesan School for Girls


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